There Are Ways To Make Sure You Can Choose Excellent Employees

There Are Ways To Make Sure You Can Choose Excellent Employees

For interviews to be more well-coordinated, interviews should be conducted in a structured manner using a guide, especially if the interview is conducted by many people so that it must be efficient. After the interview is done, record the results as well as the sorting and analysis process, so that we can make good and fast decisions regarding who to recruit. To select employees effectively, use technology as much as possible. But keep in mind that interviews are not entirely effective for reading the potential and competencies of candidates. Besides, the candidate is not necessarily telling the truth. What can be measured at the time of the interview is the substance of the answers given by the candidate, the literacy level of the language used, the way the candidate presents himself, and so on. Additionally, if your company has a lot of things to handle so your workers cannot handle the interview process, we suggest you hire a high-quality staff solutions recruitment.

Structured or non-structured interviews can be conducted to:

– Discuss work
– Exploring motivation to measure interests, career goals, and career planning
– Testing candidates with questions regarding the situation they would be in related to the job if they had done the job
– Exploring behavior to measure work experience and success related to what they do in their work and so on

In addition to interviews, we can also do screening through questionnaires filled out by candidates. Questionnaires can ask about:

– Ability, experience, or behavior expected by the company.
– Availability of candidates to work overtime.
– Ability to use certain applications.
– Availability of candidates to be transferred to other areas.
– Availability of candidates to do multi-tasking if required by the company, and so on.

Furthermore, we can use test tools to measure candidate potential. Test kits include Kraeplin, DISC, Tiki, PIAV, Pauli, CFIT, and so on. Such a test tool becomes very important if we choose employees who do not have work experience (eg students who have just graduated).

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